Monday, 31 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Noun.Origin: Vedic Sanskrit.
1) Engineer
2) Creator
3) Maker
4) builder
A huge hall illuminated by white light, but its roof and walls are black like the night. The floor is nothing but beach sand spread irrationally all over the room. There were many building blocks of various shapes and sizes. Everything in the hall that can be lifted or dimensioned is constructed by these blocks.
In the centre of the hall, a little child in white apparel is seated on a lump of beach sand carrying numerous building blocks. The boy is all white even his skin and hairs are also white as if they were painted like that since his birth.
In the front of the shaver is a small glass sphere glittering light on the fore placed spheres made of the building blocks that are beside the juvenile. These are nine balls of various size and densities which are arranged randomly in a symmetric pattern as if they were dancing with respect to each other and the illuminating glass ball was their instructor.
The urchin made some more globule and marbles and throw them ahead far from the last of the nine spheres, but they can’t be seen since they got rolled much further and the light from the glass bulb can’t reach that far. The young lad smiles and starts looking around as if he desperately wants to find something. After few moments, he digs the lump beneath him and extracts a transparent object from the grit. It was an hourglass but with no loess in it instead there is a sparkly diaphanous jelly like element which was wafting in both upward and downward direction. He put it in front of him and picks the third ball from the arrangement.
While he was playing with it and constructing more complex structures over it, his eyes show special benevolence for that entity. A hand rests on his shoulder. He turns his head up and gives a cordial look with a smile and shouts “Parampita”. He is a tall man wearing the same apparel but whiter than his progeny.
“ये तुम क्या कर रहे हो वत्स?” spoke the sire. The voice of the progenitor was a modulated combination of both male and female articulation. The child gets up in an exited gesture and shows him the big marble he was engineering with.
The father gives a curious look to the sphere and says “क्या यह वही तुम्हारा प्रिय अवयव(element) है?” “हाँ पितामह” he asserts “इसका नाम ‘धरा’ है” and gives the sphere to the father. Closely inspected by the generator the sphere is returned back to the child with a vestige of disconcert.
“धरा| अति सुन्दर, तुम्हारे द्वारा दि गई ख्याति ने हमें प्रसन्न किया”said the father concealing his previous emotion.
The child rejoices in happiness on hearing his guardian’s response on his constructed element. He says “धन्यवाद परमपिता” and adds “मै अपनी धरा को और भी कुशल एवं सुन्दर रच रहा हूँ” showing his adorable creation.
The sire is no longer able to hide his disconcert and tell the boy that’s enough attention for the particular object and he should not be too attached to the marble. The joy on the boy’s face disappeared instantaneously and he prostrates in disdain. “अब तुम कोई शिशु नहीं रह गए हो” continue the sire “तुम अब एक प्रतिभावान किशोर हो गए हो”. The boy started listening to his parent in obedience and also in the fact that his father considers him as an adult.
The father notice that the boy is pleased with his later remarks and starts speaking again “तुमने अपनी बाल क्रीड़ाओं में बहुत कुछ रचित किया है तथा मेरे द्वारा व्याखित समस्त शिक्षाओं के ज्ञान को कुशाग्रता(acumen) से अर्जित किया है| यह सर्व गुण मुझे गौरव का मानवीय भाव प्रदान करते हैं| परन्तु अब वह समय आ गया है जब तुम्हें अपना बालवट व्यव्हार त्याग कर, नवीन उत्तरदायित्वों को प्रतिग्रहीत(admit) करना होगा”.
He listens to the preachment deliver by his progenitor carefully but with flamboyance he replies “किंतु परमपिता! आपने स्वयं ही कहा था कि यह धरा मेरी सर्वोच सुंदर रचना है”. Father noded admittedly and says “निसंदेह! यह तुम्हारी सर्वोच रचना है पुत्र”.
“तो क्यूँ मै अपनी इस सर्वोत्कृष्ट(superlative) रचना को निखारने के स्थान पर त्याग दूँ?” he asked his creator.
Here is Parampita the uttermost possessor of superlative wisdom disturbed by the ignorant question of his progeny. He responds to the folly of his urchin in order to make him understand “वत्स क्यूँ कि तुम इस तत्व के प्रति अत्यंत अनुबन्धित हो| यह एक मानवीय गुण है तथा तुम इस गुण के ब्रह्म हो ना कि भोगी| तुम ब्रह्म आत्मन होने के पश्च्यात भी एक अव्यय के लिए मोह बंधित हो, ये ना तो तुम्हें शोभा देता है और ना ही तुम्हें इस भोग को ग्रहण करना है”
The child asks in curiosity “परन्तु हे! परम आत्मन यदि मै अपनी संरचना को और कुशल करने का इच्छुक हूँ तथापि(in spite of) आप मुझे इस निर्माण से वंछित क्यूँ रखना चाहते हैं?”.
“मुझे इसका सम्पुर्ण बोध है कि तुम अपनी प्रीती को चरम पर पहुचाना चाहते हो तथा मुझे इस पर कोई आपत्ति नाही है” said the parampita “किंतु तुम्हें इसका बोध करना होगा कि तुम अपना ध्यान व चिंतन केवल धरा पर ही नही व्यस्त रख सकते”.
The kid started to understand the preaching but still want to reason with his ancestor to have his adorable composition with him. He reasons “पिताश्री आपने स्वयं ही कहा है कि यह सब मेरे वेदित्व(knowledge) के लिए है तथा यह मेरी इच्छा भी है फिर ऐसा क्या है जो इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण है?”
“उमावर्सगकःUMAVRSAGKA, सर्वत्रगत न्याय” spoke the exalted one in one peaceful but deeply impacting voice.
The urchin got stricken over his stubborn attitude and became completely hypnotized by the aforesaid worlds of his sire. He spoke in absolute fascination “वह क्या है परमपिता?”
“इसका अर्थ है कि...” speak the one “तुम्हें नश्वर(ephemeral) वस्तुओं का मोह छोड़ कर महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य संपन्न करने हैं|”. “किम्वत?(like what)” ask the child.
“संरचना वत्स, संरचना” answer the progenitor “ऐसी कोई भी वस्तु नही है जो इस अवर्जनीय(unavoidable) घटना को विलम्बित(dela1y) कर सके| तथा यह केवल धरा तक ही सीमित नहीं है| धरा को प्रयाप्त(suffice) एकाग्रयः(intentness on one object) एवं पालन प्राप्त हो चूका है जितने कि उसकी योग्यता और नियति थी अतः तुम्हें इसे अपने हाल पर छोड़ देना चाहिए स्वयं उत्क्रांति(evolve) पाने के लिए|” the urchin was listening peacefully and receiving the final cognizance of his generator. The parent continues “इस अखिल में और बहुत ऐसे महान अव्यय(element) हैं जो कि तुम्हारे द्वारा रचित होने कि प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं| तुम्हें इस अवसर को आलिंगन(embrace) में लेना है और संरचना के सुकार्य में लिप्त(drown) हो जना है| तुम आत्मन हो तथा यह श्रृष्टि तुम्हारा नश्वर चित्रफलक(canvas), अवश्य ही तुम्हें इसे विस्त्रत(elaborate) करना है ताकि तुम्हारी समस्त प्रिय रचनायें, उद्धरण स्वरुप धरा, तथा अन्य महानतम सृजना(creations) के संमुख(inclined to) प्रयाप्त ब्रह्मांड हो, अपना अस्तित्व सिद्ध करने हेतु और तुम्हारा यही कर्तव्य है|”
“इन कर्तव्यों का पालन मैं कैसे कर पाउँगा परमपिता?” ask the child in order to be complete.
“रचना, पालन, तथा सँहार” added by the parampita “केवल यही तीन नियम हैं जो तुम्हें अपने देह में रखने हैं बाकि सब तुम स्वयं ही कर लोगे ”.
The child offers his greatest creation to his sire in gratitude and goodwill and say “ये लीजिए परमात्मा मेरी महानतम रचना मै आपको समर्पित करता हूँ|”
Parampita takes the wonder marble and fetch it to the child and affectionately says “यह तुम्हारा तत्व(element) है इससे तुम्ही मुक्त करो, यह स्वयं ही निर्वाण को अर्जित(attain) कर लेगी|”.
The progeny gives a huge kiss to the Dhraa in farewell and blew it to the place where it belong, into the dancing ensemble of other spheres guided by the illuminated bulb. The father took hold of the child and starts moving out of the room and said “पुत्र एक अभियंता को कभी भी किसी एक वस्तु पर सीमित हो कर नही रहना होता है, उसकी बनाई हुई प्रणाली(system) स्वचालित(automatic) एवं सशक्त(self reliant) होनी चाहिए जिसके फलस्वरूप अभियंता अपनी दूसरी रचना के प्रति अग्रसर(move forward) हो सके| इसके पश्च्यात(after that) तुम्हें जो...” they moved out of the room leaving the room vacant.
After a few moments the bulb starts to turn crimson and hence the light emitted by it becomes dimmer by each passing moment. gradually the light becomes so dim that only Dhraa could be seen of all the marbles in the arrangement. Finally the bulb extinguishes like a dying candle and there is pitch black silence and cold darkness in the room. Suddenly the bulb bursts in a spark and for a microsecond there is some light before the absolute darkness again. And in that short instant a human hand crawl out of the sand beneath the Dhraa and immerse it back to the sand.
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