Have you ever realized that time isn't moving? Of course you all have felt the eternity of time i.e., it passes so slowly that its impossible to bear it getting by. But that’s not what i am talking about. By not moving of time i mean the stopping of it, literally.
Have you ever felt like you are looking at your watch and the hands of the watch aren't moving, none of them, at all? You look around and there is nobody, no society, no meeting, no commuting. Just blowing wind, rattling leaves, a train passing by probably a metro or a subway train, dogs lingering around a dump of litter but not making any sound, birds flying around a magnificent but abandoned sky scrapers as if they were providing us a scale for the greatness of these buildings, magnanimous factories expanded over a vast, ungodly surroundings, throwing black and grey smoke in the sky, white clouds perpetually eclipsing sun every now and then, and just you and no more.
The Time is really not moving, neither on your watch nor in your consciousness. You wonder what’s going on but at the same time you don't bother to care. Perceptive of your surrounding still lost in a pensive state of pondering. A new awakening perhaps; because there is no time at that time. Everything has inertia at that moment but the time and also your sense of understanding.
You haven't found happiness or love there but you are not sad anymore. The morbidity has lost with the time itself. Reality is different now. Its bright, everything is bright even the darkness.